Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Prayers, Prayers and more Prayers for you Boogie. I would say more, but I am one of those VERY impressionable people that gets ghost (no relation) pains when he reads/hears abbout something and I am sad to say my 'tit' is really hurting and I keep grabbing it to remind myself that I am not really cut and sore and oh well to tell the truth it feels kinda nice :-)

Rhino, thank you so much for the well wishes! It is the best feeling when someone thinks of you like that!!!

Skye, UIM, Miss you guys...

Paul and Brenda, Can't wait to see the little Smithlett!

Tempest, keep living the way you do, that way even when you fail you'll be alive and valuable through it all. I sill hope we get to have you guys over the house sometime for a visit...

Chyna, I'll never use the term 'Nice Jugs' EVER again :-) Best wishes!!!

Happa, Thanks for giving me something to laugh at, it's invaluable!

Angel (Angel Says), Still not sleeping (see below) bod God Damn if that kid is not cute as hell! :-)

Life has been rough. The baby wasn't sleeping much and last night he didn't sleep at all. Runny nose, sneezing, cutting 3 new teeth... We found out today that he also has an ear infection, so that makes this his first official full-blown FUBAR! :-) Even through all that he still managed to keep smiling most of the time and play with us through it... God I love that kid.

unfortunately for us parents, 3 hours of sleep a night don't make well adjusted relaxed people who get along with eachother... Sorry honey, I love you and I know we won't have to work this hard forever!

Wife is going to Cali with her step mom and the baby tomorrow. We are all very nervous, but I know it'll be a great experience for her and the baby. I can't wait to hear about it when they come back...

Well, that's it for now. Talk to you all soon.

A lot of stuff, but some love ;-) - Pointless parady of Skye's signoff. Why? Man, I hate having to answer questions like that. Sometimes things just happen you know? Not like it's funny or anything, that would take work!


Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Woops, Sorry Nightskye, wrong Angel! See 'Angel Says' link to the left. I should have been a little clearer, it's so unlike me to quickly act on something and not take the time to get all my facts straight too ;-)